level 2 electrician duties

What Does a Level 2 Electrician Do?

A Level 2 electrician is licensed to work on service mains

As well as everyday electrical work a level 2 electrician is also allowed to work on parts of the electrical infrastructure that a normal electrician cannot. This includes service mains form the street to the property including overhead and underground. A level 2 electrician can also upgrade meterboards and install smart meters.

When the distributor  such as Ausgrid or endeavor issue defect notices, a level 2 electrician can rectify the fault and issue certificates for the works. When a distributor issues a defect notice, the recipient usually has up to 28 days to rectify the fault or power can by cut. Our Lv2.com.au team can help get our licensed level 2 electrician out to you fast to ensure the power stays on.

Generally most of the external works and live works is conducted by a level 2 electrician. This is not to say that all level 2 electricians are the same. There are different licensing categories for different types of level 2 works. Some level 2 electricians are restricted to only perform certain types of works.